Monday, December 20, 2004

Missing Mama--cheryl

Because I do not have the eloquence of Charl n coco, I'll keep it short.

Dear Mama,
I have missed you everyday since you've been gone. I can safely say that I think of you every single day and I see glimpses of you in many things around me. My memories of you are vivid and I doubt that they will ever fade. You have moved us all with your gentle loving ways and your love will be your legacy. A part of you lives on in each of us so you have not really gone. You are in us be it in our cooking, memories, prayers or love for family.

I wish that you are here with us, but I know you're in a much better place and I hope that I make you proud. Thank you for STILL being here for this family.

Mama,I love you. Because you love us so unconditionally, our lives have forever changed for the better.

p/s:I wish so much that I took that MRT ride to nowhere with you. One day, a long time from now, we'll go together ok? Anywhere you want.


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